Dec 11, 2013

Here Comes The Sun

Sun is like Love - it gives birth to life and keeps it going. It is the key to happiness, it feeds us pleasure and energy. It shapes the world and enlightens.
Sun spreads not only light but also contrast. It draws day and night, black and white, and all of our significant patterns. We rarely understand that our hormones, our thoughts, our time awake and asleep are sun related cycles.

Sun is the ultimate source of energy for our planet. Everyone thrives on it and has its way to absorb it. No matter how much we see and how much we know about the sun, we will always discover more. This is because we are evolving our sensors and constantly changing how we percept information.
The recent discovery of biophotons is a good example. Biophotons are electromagnetic waves which can be seen with special equipment. Biophotons is energy detected as light which all living beings radiate in order to communicate in a vast instantaneous network. Science is ever so amazed discovering the subtlety of the invisible.

There is poetry after all. We are not just a bunch of parts, we are a network, vibrating and communicating through light.
Pjotr Garjajev, a Russian scientist, was able to intercept communication from a DNA molecule in the form of ultraviolet light. His view is that the communication is not only happening inside the body but it is how organisms talk to each other.
Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, a German physicist ( PhD in theoretical physics at the University of Mainz ), has done an extensive research, and has published more than 150 scientific articles and studies on the subject.
According to the current biophoton theory light serves as a major web for all living organisms, creating a dynamic  electromagnetic field  exchanging information through unique frequency resonating through unique electromagnetic waves. Dr. Popp  figured that the most essential source of light and biophoton emissions comes from the DNA at a frequency of several billion hertz ( the same range cell phones work ). This explains how a single cell can turn into a fully formed human being. DNA contains the unique blueprint of the organism and can reproduce it holographically.
The biophoton theory also explains quite successfully the phenomenon of aura, spontaneous healing, intuition, telepathy, acupuncture, homeopathy, the Emoto’s water studies, Dr Rupert Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields theory and many more.

In his article “An incredible story!” Dan Eden writes:
“Popp began thinking about light in nature. Light was present in plants and was used during photosynthesis. When we eat plant foods, he thought, it must be that we take up the photons and store them.
When we consume broccoli, for example, and digest it, it is metabolized into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water, plus the light stored from the sun and photosynthesis. We extract the CO2 and eliminate the water, but the light, an EM wave, must be stored. When taken in by the body, the energy of these photons dissipates and becomes distributed over the entire spectrum of EM frequencies, from the lowest to the highest.
This energy is the driving force for all the molecules in our body. Before any chemical reaction can occur, at least one electron must be activated by a photon with a certain wavelength and enough energy.
The biochemist and Nobel Prize winner Lehninger mentions in his textbook that some reactions in the living cell happen quite a lot faster than what corresponds to 37C temperature. The explanation seems to be that the body purposely directs chemical reactions by means of electromagnetic vibrations (biophotons).”
Sun’s energy is cherished by everyone. We've known for a long time how plants absorb and transform inorganic energy into organic matter through the process of photosynthesis. Plants combine free electrons from the earth and water together with photons from the sun and carbon dioxide from the air to create carbohydrates and oxygen. The process has two major phases. The first is light-dependent and uses chlorophyll ( light sensitive pigment ) to capture photons and activate electrons. The second is light-independent and delivers carbon skeletons which are used for the formation of sucrose, starch and cellulose. These carbon structures can also be used for the production of amino acids and lipids.
Sun matrix is infused into water as well. It is interesting to hear that the shortwave infrared light restructures  water saturating it with more electrons thus increasing its energy potential and bioactivity. Dr Gerald Pollack explains in his book “The fourth phase of Water. Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor” the way  water can hold and exchange energy when it is negatively charged. He calls this high energy state EZ ( exclusion zone ) water.

With everything being said it is logical to say that using the sunlight at first level of conversion should yield the largest amount of energy. This is a good reason to eat raw food and especially raw plant food ( low in toxins such as leafy greens, cucumbers etc.). When cooking, we should stick to low heat methods which get rid of plants’ protections but keep the integrity of the water structure ( steaming, simmering, slow cooking ). Juicing is another good approach to get rid of toxins and harvest biophotons in high amounts. Although juicing is a powerful energizer, it is a human creation which involves extraction. As expected, everything we do has side effects and so does juicing. Throwing certain parts of the plant away concentrates the energy allowing for rapid entrance followed by a sugar spike especially if you use carrots as a base. Carrots are very dense in sugars and will have a negative effect if you have a metabolic disorder such as diabetes, insulin resistance etc ( on the other hand they are perfect if you are an athlete who is seeking to refill glycogen ). I find that using cucumber as a base together with leafy greens will provide a better solution without disrupting the hormonal communication.

To be perfectly honest I don’t believe that going entirely towards raw plant food is the perfect answer. I describe why in my article “Plants want to live as much as we do”. Besides the fact that plants have the most sophisticated survival strategies and the greatest amount of toxins which makes  most of them non-digestible, there are a few other very important reasons. The first one is that biophotons are not a dormant storage of sun energy, it is an active communication through light. This changes the perspective because energy comes with the precursor of information. So it is only relevant in the context of an informational system that can utilize and communicate this energy. Well, human communications rely heavily on fat. Every cell processes information  through a phospholipid membrane. It filters billions of messages every second delivered by other lipid based messengers, hormones and neuro mediators. Plants don’t have this level of complexity. Plants also don’t have a nervous system and can not move. So if light is everyone’s divine connection to the web, there are levels of complexity that are pulling away from the divine to separate us. This is an important driving force of life and fat is the biochemical media that makes it possible. We need fat in order to use biophotons. Especially animal fat, and especially Cholesterol. Cholesterol is so important for animals that every single cell is trying to produce it on its own no matter what its food source. As dr. Seneff says: “ Cholesterol is to animals as chlorophyll is to plants “. It gives us mobility and the ability to think. It gives us even more - a direct line to the Sun! We can capture its energy through the molecule of Cholesterol with the help of sulfate. This relationship produces a lot of magic and I am convinced that we’ll never stop unveiling it. Vitamin D is part of this magic and it seems to be affecting almost everything in our body.
Well, cholesterol is the precursor to vitamin D3. Both molecules are nearly identical in chemical structure. Cholesterol sulfate takes photons from the Sun and free electrons from the environment  and combines them into a usable energy. It transforms our skin into a solar battery which captures its own biophotons.

Another portal for sun’s energy is the eye. Although staring at the sun is considered dangerous by modern science, sun gazing has been practiced for many years in India. It plays a vital role in times of fasting when body’s sensitivity to energy sources is heightened. I find that intermittent fasting combined with earthing, clean air, pristine water and proper sun exposure is the best way to cleanse and re-energize.
Sun has always been an important part of our evolution. And yet we have disconnected from it a great deal. We ran away from the equator exploring new lands, putting clothes on and roofs over our heads. And while this sounds like a necessary adjustment what we do now does not - we claim the sun to be a vicious enemy, we hide from it religiously, we put toxic chemicals on our skin calling this protection, we wear sunglasses even when it’s cloudy, we spent most of our days in office using artificial light...
And then we wonder why we can’t sleep, why we feel miserable, why we are all diseased.
It is time to look at It, it is time to go back to our roots and let the sunshine in...

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