Before I start I want to say that I consciously choose to believe that glyphosate is a result of stupidity. It is our usual inclination to “help” nature do things the right way. I refuse to accept that glyphosate was designed by people fully aware of what monster it was going to become.
I just need room for hope, you know, otherwise why even bother writing.
We are going to save humanity from hunger by genetically modifying organisms. We are playing God again. We have that brilliant idea to empower the plants we care about so they can tolerate a toxin which no other predator or competitor can, spray this toxin around and enjoy the selected crops while everybody else dies. Neat deal - no bugs, no microbes, no weeds - just perfect profit and abundance of food. Wow, we really must understand nature very well to swing like that.
So we did what’s necessary and created a whole bunch of chemicals.
The number one herbicide today is Monsanto’s glyphosate ( N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine ) - the active ingredient in RoundUp. The corporation altered the genes of their seeds so they became “roundup ready” - ready to handle the toxin. The engineers added a few penetrating agents to heighten the absorption all the way to the cytoplasm and we have a winner!
Monsanto claims that glyphosate is safe for people because it disrupts the Shikimate pathway. This is how bacteria, fungi, algae, parasites, and plants synthesise the aromatic amino acids - phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan. Humans don’t have shikimate pathway therefore it is harmless. It sounds good only until we realized that we are not alone!
There is so much communication we don’t see. One of the profound networks on the planet is built upon microbes. We know now that microbes living in our body outnumber our own cells 10 to 1. We identified between 200 and 300 different species coexisting inside an average person. So we might not have shikimate pathway but our bacteria DO. We’ve built a solid evolutionary relationship with the little guys. These folks ferment and purify our food, get rid of toxins and heavy metals, generate essential amino acids, vitamins, and cofactors. They are as much human as we are.
Glyphosate disrupts the ability of our bacteria to supply us with all of the above. It depletes all three aromatic amino acids and methionine. Less tryptophan leads to less serotonin and ultimately less melatonin. Serotonin is a chief neurotransmitter which ensures mental health and satisfaction. It has direct connection to obesity, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and violent behavior. The lack of it makes us hungry and miserable and we often look to fill void with drugs. Further down the line serotonin converts to melatonin which controls sleep. It is also a powerful brain protector against stress and oxidation. Lower melatonin levels cause insomnia and inflammation which is a sufficient factor to demolish health completely. On the opposite site where tyrosine is in charge, things are not looking good either. Tyrosine is the antagonist of tryptophan. It takes care of action and focus. It is the precursor of dopamine, adrenaline and melanin. Decrease in dopamine leads to low drive, low energy and Parkinson’s disease.
Adrenaline is the key component in adaptation and survival. Messing up its signaling is sure way to get chronic fatigue and lethargy.
Insufficient melanin fails to protect us from UV radiation which disrupts the ability of our skin to protect and communicate with the outside world.
Methionine is also affected by deficient tyrosine. It is an essential sulfur-containing amino acid which takes care of methylation and healthy DNA.
Jeffrey Smith interviews Dr. Stephanie Seneff about Glyphosate from Kristin Canty on Vimeo.
It is only a matter of time for glyphosate to damage our gut. Dysfunctional gut ripples illness exponentially and there is no surprise in seeing an epidemic of celiac disease, leaky gut, gluten and casein intolerance, inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, acid reflux disease, Crohn’s disease etc. On top of that we discovered that the gut talks directly to the brain and sickening this connection causes various neurological disorders.
While busting gut bacteria should be enough to screw our entire biology, it is only a part of the story. I am afraid glyphosate does much worse by disrupting cytochrome P450 ( CYP ) enzymes which are involved in numerous biological functions. CYP enzymes are an ancient signaling system which scientists trace back to over 3 billion years of cellular evolution. This system includes hundreds of messengers which take care of low level communication, blood health and detoxification. They are the ones converting light into chemical energy, structuring cellular water, and keeping membranes’ integrity. Glyphosate also depletes important minerals - calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, cobalt, iron… It is now linked to all kinds of endocrine disruptions ( estrogenic effects ), cancer, kidney failure. Fertility rates are dropping rapidly in countries using roundup. Glyphosate upregulates retinoic acid ( a metabolite of vitamin A ) which causes microcephaly and anencephaly ( the absence of a major portion of the brain, skull, and scalp ).
As I wrote in my recent post “Sunny Holy Trinity - Vitamin D, Cholesterol and Sulfate” , all chronic disease can be traced down to cholesterol sulfate deficiency. This precious molecule represents cellular health and communication. It is the core of our connectedness. And guess what?
Glyphosate kills the ability of eNOS (a CYP enzyme ), to generate cholesterol sulfate. It depletes our body from sulfate and sulfur containing molecules which lowers the biologically active water inside and outside of our cells. It leads to leaky membranes, gut, brain and skin. At a higher level it shuts down mitochondria, glucose metabolism, and ultimately aerobic respiration. Glyphosate is a major reason why we lose energy faster and age prematurely. It is the toxic factor linked to Autism, Alzheimer's, Crohn's disease ( inflammatory bowel disease ), ADD, ADHD, diabetes, metabolic disorder and more. Of course there are many other toxins contributing to the works of glyphosate, such as aluminum, heavy metals, fluoride but there is only one solution - be informed and eat organic. Learn what organic means and zigzag around the corporate bullshit. The ball is in your court now, you’ve got information, you’ve got critical thinking - use it. Use it to survive.
Here is a highly informative slideshow on the topic:
RoundUp : The Elephant in the Room - by Dr.Stephanie Seneff
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