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Sep 30, 2013
Sep 26, 2013
Get Grounded Part 1 - Inflammation
Get Grounded
Part 1 - Inflammation
Electricity is a network, a flow, that transfers information into energy and matter. It is how nature communicates on a subatomic level. So we all live and function electrically on an electric planet.
The natural vibes of the Earth are waves of energy explained by science as a motion of various particles or waves. A motion that can be successfully tracked by observing the behavior of one of these particles - the free electron. If you study the atom you’ll discover that it contains protons, with a positive charge, neutrons with no charge, and electrons, with a negative charge. The protons and neutrons are in the center while the electrons are buzzing around orbits in the periphery. Electrons are the free spirits who travel the world. Their traveling pattern is altered through three types of media. The conductors are the ones that allow a free flow. An example of a conductor is the metallic copper wire. The insulators are doing the opposite ( plastic, rubber, glass, and wood ) - no flow, and the semiconductors are in between - sometimes conducting, sometimes not.
Earth gets replenished with free electrons every second through solar radiation, lightning strikes, and energy coming from its core. Similar to the earth’s texture, our bodies are mostly water and minerals which are wonderful conductors of electrons. So we mingle with “Mother Earth” electronically. We get to drink from the fountain of energy for as long as we are in direct connection. The free electrons will flow into our body only if our skin is touching the ground.
Our ancestors didn't have to know this through millions of years of evolution because they weren't insulated with rubber shoes, plastic material, and other petrochemical compounds. They were connected. They were extracting energy from the earth just like a plant root is extracting moisture from the ground for nourishment.
Modern living has gradually disconnected us from Nature - wearing artificial clothing, sleeping on insulated padded beds, living in elevated houses, walking on synthetically covered floors. Illnesses are blooming and we are more inflamed and in pain than ever.
Inflammation and free electrons
Inflammation (Latin, īnflammō, "I ignite, set alight") is a complex defense system. It is a protective attempt by the organism to counteract any harmful attack, to destroy or remove invaders, and to heal after the fight has ended. The department of defense is the immune system. I say the process is complex because there is a lot of communication going on. The immune system tracks everyone, checks IDs, figures out who is food, who pretends to be food, and who is malicious. Then comes up with a strategy, sends troops, fights, and when peace is restored, sends the rebuilders to recover from the damage. We can see there are two distinct phases - the pro-inflammatory first response and the anti-inflammatory rejuvenation. In the first phase the body initiates an immunological battle causing pain, swelling, and redness. The troops sent to the battlefield fall into five distinct battalions: chemical mediators, complement systems, eicosanoids, cytokines, and immunological attack cells. The first chemical mediator sent is histamine. Histamine is an alarming system which gets activated by bacterial toxins, viruses, malicious microorganisms, heat, UV radiation, trauma, proteolytic enzymes, other irritants and allergens. Once the histamine finishes ringing the bell it is quickly inactivated. Other initial inflammatory mediators such as serotonin and bradykinin work together with histamine to communicate more details - the complement system. There are more than twenty proteins which carry the signals further. Then eicosanoids, extremely powerful hormones produced within every cell, come into action to open the blood vessels to let the soldiers ( immunological cells ) onto the scene. Eicosanoids raise the temperature ( heat is a serious weapon against invaders ), increase the blood flow ( swelling and redness ), locate the intruders, and increase the sensitivity of the nervous system ( pain ), so everyone is aware there is a problem. The final whistle calling the white blood cells comes from the cytokines. They also release inflammatory proteins to help. The most famous is the C-reactive protein or CRP - a marker often used as a predictor of a heart attack or a stroke.
Once the immune cells step onto the field it gets ugly. Activated by the cytokines ( which are stimulated by the eicosanoids ), the white blood cells ( macrophages and neutrophils ) unfold by attaching to the invader, engulfing it, killing it, and eating it. On top of that neutrophils launch an aggressive bombardment of free radicals to destroy the enemy completely.
Free radicals are positive-charged molecules, lacking one or more electrons, that search for free electrons to fill the void and become stable again. The free radicals obtain their missing electrons usually from pathogens or damaged cells which kills the bad guys. After the battle is won these hungry killers get neutralized by the negative-charged antioxidants or the free electrons flowing in the body. This is one reason we shouldn't prematurely overload with artificial antioxidants - it will depress your immune system in times of war. We need Nature’s intelligence to take care of the free radicals instead.
The second phase of inflammation, the rejuvenation phase, is really a true anti-inflammation. It starts with calling off all battalions. The cytokines talk to the brain which fires up a chain of hormonal responses. This ends up with an increased production of cortisol from the adrenal glands. For that reason cortisol is considered a stress hormone but in most cases it acts as an anti-stress hormone because it shuts down inflammation or I should say military operation. When all the soldiers are out, a specialized cleaning group of white cells known as macrophages goes in to remove all the debris. This is an important moment because if these guys leave anything behind, the pro-inflammatory phase will prolong. Once the canvas is clean then comes regeneration and repair. This is when balance between the pro-inflammatory and the anti-inflammatory messengers matters the most. If all the communication goes clear the rejuvenation process might not only repair the damage but make you stronger than you were before (this is what happens during adequate weight training for instance ).
So far so good. And why am I describing inflammation in such a detail when nothing seems to be wrong? Why do we hear more than ever that inflammation is the underlying cause of chronic illnesses including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, alzheimer's, autoimmune disorders, allergies, premature aging and more?
Well, because I want you to see how complex the flow of information is and how easily it can break down. The pro-inflammatory phase protects us but when there is miscommunication or lack of energy ( free electrons ) the war never ends. It goes on turning the vital acute response into an indefinite chronic attack. An attack producing free radicals in a vicious circle, damaging its own self. An attack that creates constant fear, harms the cell, and shuts down growth and repair. An attack that never really transforms into rejuvenation.
Free electrons are the defense on all counts. Abundant flow of electrons is a marker of clean communication. In every significant reaction there is a transfer of electrons. Adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) - the primary unit of chemical energy in the cell is bond to the flow of free electrons. Cells success, or lack thereof, is dependent on ATP and free electrons for a healthy cell repair and regeneration.
When there are not enough electrons to neutralize the free radicals during the acute response all surrounding tissues get under fire and all cells get damaged .
So where do we get the free electrons from?
Food is one answer - life evolved in the presence of oxygen so all living forms have developed some kind of antioxidant defense. Vitamin C is a good example, as well as flavonoids and other plant molecules. Melatonin is the antioxidant we produce when it is dark. Clean water is also an important source of free electrons. But above all the most abundant reservoir is right under our feet. That’s right, the Earth is the biggest and the best antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that exists.
The Earth is the best free electron donor.
Reconnecting to the living matrix is called earthing or grounding. It is very simple to do. Your skin is a very good conductor. You can connect any part of your skin to the Earth and this will open the gate for free electrons. It also appears that some points on your skin have higher sensitivity for electrons . One such point is located in the middle of the ball of your foot. Acupuncturists call it Kidney 1 or K1, the point that connects all of the acupuncture meridians. You can learn more in the extensive interview between Dr. Mercola and Dr. Oschman.
Dr. James Oschman is an expert in the field of energy medicine. He wrote numerous articles which resulted in two books: Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, and Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance. He also has written the Foreword for the book Earthing: the most important health discovery ever? ( by Clinton Ober, Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra and M.Zucker ).
Dr. Oschman and his team have provided the world with the scientific research needed to understand better what happens during inflammation:
"Even the slightest bump, if you bump the door, your immune system immediately responds by sending white blood cells (neutrophils) to the place of injury…
The neutrophils secrete a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)… called free radicals, in what's referred to as an oxidative burst... These are like Pac-Man. They are very important molecules that tear things apart. If bacteria have gotten through your skin, these free radicals will destroy the bacteria very quickly. If you have damaged cells, the free radicals will break them apart so that there is a space for healthy cells to move in and repair the tissues.
That's known as the inflammatory response.
What we have discovered that is truly profound is this: we now understand why you get the inflammatory response, which has five characteristics: pain, redness, heat, loss of range of motion, and swelling. All of those are the five hallmarks of inflammation and it turns out that that doesn't have to happen.
Inflammation, which in medicine is considered an important part of the healing process, is really an artifact caused by lack of electrons in your tissues. What happens is, the neutrophils deliver the Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) to the site of injury, but in so doing, some of those free radicals can leak into the surrounding tissue and damage healthy tissue. That's what creates the inflammatory response.
So really what is happening with grounding or earthing is that you're protecting your body from -- I call it, collateral damage,... Damage that was not intended to take place but does take place because we have disconnected ourselves from the Earth by putting rubber and plastic on the bottoms of our shoes."
And indeed if you look into the wild you will notice that the inflammatory response is way milder and all animals heal much faster.
So be an animal. Get grounded and you’ll start feeling more like a human being. When you find yourself surrounded by nature get your shoes off, reconnect any part of your skin to the Earth, grass, or any natural water.
“And I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country
To learn more how to get grounded in your house or working place you should visit earthing.com or earthingcanada.ca.
Sep 24, 2013
Sep 18, 2013
Sep 16, 2013
Gravity and Kettlebells
Gravity and Kettlebells
Kettlebell Lifting - The King of Gravity
“Gravity is the first which you don’t think”.
Albert Einstein
Gravity is how we see the world, what we call reality, it is our reference point.
Newton described it as a force that acts at a distance through space, drawing any two masses together. Practically a force which constantly aligns us with the center of the earth. Einstein looked at it as a geometric property of space and time ( spacetime ) and added acceleration, balance, and coordination to the mix.
Whatever we say, gravity is indeed the most consistent factor carving evolution. That’s right, it’s been hanging down from the beginning and it will keep us grounded till the end.
Since the main ingredient is the “G” vector going head to toe to center of the earth, gravity has shaped our anatomy and physiology most heavily in the vertical plane. The vector applies silent pressure with the same patients water shapes a rock. And from what we know consistency is the most powerful approach of nature.
Movement defines life with one word and it would have very little meaning without gravity. Weight would lose its purpose completely the way it does in cosmos. It is realized that astronauts don’t age prematurely, they simply meet zero gravity which is what’s causing health deterioration.
Dr. Joan Vernikos, former director of NASA’s Life Sciences Division and author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals presents a fascinating view on gravity and health.
Life has evolved based on perpetual motion and change of posture. Something we don’t get enough any more because of technology. We are sitting now more than ever. Manual labour has been taken over by machines. Industrial revolution has stuck us in chairs to operate these machines. We sit at work, we sit on our way to work, we sit in front of the TV.
Why concentrate on sitting?
Well, because it’s the most popular during the day and so it has the most importance. To be sincere laying down is worse. If you lay down for two weeks strapped to a bed you won’t be able to get up on your own. You’ll need a whole lot of assistance. Your balance will be off, your muscles weak, your joints wobbly, and your bones brittle. All because G force did not go through your entire skeleton to do its magic. This is the use it or lose it concept, which can be also expressed as the function builds the organ.
The more I think about this the more I understand that going back, way back, to natural movement is the only plausible cure to sedentary side effects. Constant moving around, walking, hunting, gathering, climbing, running, swimming, jumping and lifting heavy things was the building foundation of our healthy ancestors for thousands of years. So how can we replicate this in modern age when time is so limited and social life is so demanding?
There isn’t a single best answer but the first thing you should do is to stand up and move around as much as you can.
Many job occupations however restrict people from doing that. Drivers, pilots, office workers, and so on can not afford to get up even if they wanted to. Change of posture is the only thing they have. Which makes it very easy to develop all kinds of dysfunctions - from simple stiffness to osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes, and inflammation…
This is why I find G intensifying exercises to be the savior in our fast paced society. If modern life removes gravity intensely there should be a way to bring it back intensely.
So what are the best G intensifying exercises?
Let me hurry and make this clear - performing the conventional gym isolated movements are not going to help much. Overgrowing a muscle out of context leads to a broken posture, disbalance, miscoordination and less gravity. Using a machine often ignores the importance of balance and coordination. You’ll never see Nature practice an isolated movement by the way. You’ll never see a lion doing biceps curls. This is us. Nature uses all of its resources to do its job as efficiently as possible. We should observe and imitate Nature more.
G intensifying exercise is any whole body movement. It is hard to measure precisely since it is not only the G vector that defines gravity (Einstein’s geometric theory explains that it is a four dimensional property of space and time called spacetime. It accounts for acceleration, balance, coordination and more...), but it is fair to say that G force ( the vector the aligns us with the center of the earth ) has maximum effect when you exercise standing.
For the sake of comparison I will use some of Dr. Vernikos estimates of G value that may be generated from various activities.
Gz means that G is pulling in the head-to-toe direction; Gx is pulling across the chest.
Standing on Earth
Standing on the Moon
Lying down on Earth
0Gz / 1Gx
Sitting on Earth
< 1Gz
Stand up from Lying down
0 to 1Gz
Roller Coaster
2 to 2.3Gz
Up to 4.5Gz
2.5 to 6Gz
It is fair to say that all calculations are truthful only when the body acts as a unit in perfect alignment with itself so the G vector doesn’t break into pieces.
Vertical exercises that accelerate mass towards the earth ( Newton’s second law F= ma ) generate greater value than 1G . Even more G value is added at the moment of landing by shock vibration and rebounding ( Newton’s third law - when one body applies a force on a second body, the second body applies equal force opposite in direction of the first body ). In other words mass and acceleration form G value in combination with vibration and reaction. It is easy to see now how running intensifies gravity because of the impact between the runner and the earth, and why jumping generates greater value. Interestingly swimming has zero impact and no Gz (vertical) value but it gets gravity benefits through acceleration, balance and coordination which are part of the equation.
With everything being said I am curious if all ingredients can be stirred into a single cocktail in order to get maximum gravity value in minimum time and optimal effort?
Kettlebell lifting is the answer.
A kettlebell is a weight that looks like a cannonball with a handle on top. Used properly it employs gravity beyond believe. The effect of the handled weight is multiplied by acceleration, shock impact and vibration, rebound, balance, and coordination. Movements are synchronized in spacetime continuum looping into a cycle. A cycle that consists of work - rest phases turning the kettlebell lifting into a cyclic sport that not only shapes the nervous, the muscular, and the skeletal systems, but also the cardiovascular, and the endocrine systems. The rest phase allows for an inner cycle recovery ( almost full recovery within each cycle ) which brings economy and efficiency into the play. To recover on the fly is mastery and the better your technique the more economical and powerful you become at the same time.
Masterful technique applies force only when it’s necessary. Depending on the volume and intensity of the exercise ( what weight we choose, for how long, and with what tempo ) the lifter can recover through all three energy systems - the phosphagen system ( ATP - CP ), the glycolytic system (using glycogen) , and the aerobic system ( using fatty acids ). This is why I find “Kettlebell Sport” to be the perfect strength and conditioning tool for all cyclic sports together with the ones that rely heavily on strength endurance and explosive power such as hockey, football, soccer, rugby, basketball ( all sorts of games ), boxing, martial arts, various throws etc…
Let’s have a look at some of the most efficient kettlebell lifts:
The swing is a back and forth motion of one arm holding the kettlebell between the legs with the shoulder acting as a hinge. The height of the swing should be no more than mid torso or no further than chest level. The lifter should stand up completely without overextending the knees.The first G value phase is when the kettlebell is accelerated forward, the trajectory is changed upwards through an elbow bend to give the kettlebell its own flying momentum. The second G value phase is the catching of the kettlebell around the knee level when the trajectory changes backwards through a synchronized effort. The swing masters the skill to accelerate into a burst. It sets a foundation of strength and stability which can be transferred in almost any sport.
The clean is a swing with a catching stop in the “Rack” position. The rack is the position of the bent arm nesting the kettlebell between the hand and the shoulder with the elbows reaching the hip and the triceps against the body. Catching the kettlebell in the rack position is the first G value point when the weight sends a strong impulse from the hip bone all the way down the straight legs. The second powerful G value point is similar to the swing when the kettlebell is caught between the knees.
The jerk is lifting two kettlebells overhead ( one arm jerk is using one hand ) from the rack position with the use of the legs through a double dip action. Double dip is a quick two phase movement. The first dip is a short squat followed by a push of the kettlebell out of the rack and an instant reversal away from the kettlebell (second dip ). As the kettlebell flies on its own the arms are extended and locked out overhead followed by the legs. The second dip and the moment of reversal when the heels hit the ground creates a significant G value. The final fixation delivers the single most powerful G value of all. It is when the weight freezes its motion and sends its energy down in alignment of the arms placed parallel to the head all the way through the whole skeleton. This piercing impulse causes a shock vibration and strengthens all joints, tendons, and ligaments; generates bone mineralization; pushes the blood up ( second dip reversal and Newton’s third law of motion) towards the heart, increases energy potential in all muscle cells and so much more.
Because the work phase is condensed in short explosions pushing the kettlebell to rest on top of the skeleton the muscles do not experience tension long enough to develop significant sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and hypertrophy of the slow twitch fibers. The bursts cause mainly sarcomeric hypertrophy (found primarily in the fast twitch muscle fibers ) which means that more strength is gained in relation to the muscle size while the cardiovascular system is trained hard to deliver blood, oxygen and nutrients to all working muscles. This is how you kill two birds with one stone - developing strength and endurance in combination. This is also the reason why using it for strength and conditioning gives an unmatched advantage.
One Arm Jerk
Everything that’s been said for the jerk applies to the one arm jerk. It is easier to learn the proper technique practicing the one arm jerk first. It allows to focus better and leaves room for heavier weight. Even number of repetitions between hands should be used to equalize strength.
The kettlebell snatch is lifting the kettlebell overhead from the “Swing” in one continuous movement. Once the kettlebell is accelerated to the top ( First G point ), the legs are locked out together with the working arm in parallel alignment with the head and the motion is stopped (second G point ). The fixation is held for a brief moment followed by an unlocking action from the knees when the kettlebell falls down and gets caught again around chest level in order to transform into a swing ( third G point ). The exercise requires an advanced level of coordination and explosiveness which applies gravity to its highest.
Long Cycle
The kettlebell Long Cycle combines the “Clean”, followed by the “Jerk” into one cycle ( it can be done with one or two hands ). It has four significant G value points - the bottom part of the swing, the rack landing, the double dip, and the top fixation. The added complexity requires yet another level of coordination and cardiovascular endurance.
If you are interested in learning the kettlebell lifts in detail from one of the greatest experts on the planet, you should visit the world kettlebell club where Valery Fedorenko has published a free video course.
The more you master the technique the more G value you will extract. I hate to be a guesser but I’ll say that any of these lifts has the potential to generate a G value of 10 or above.
Learning how to use the kettlebell is close to learning a new language. It never stops developing neurological pathways and keeping the brain-body connection sharp.
Describing Kettlebell Lifting as a full flavored cyclic sport and a supreme strength and conditioning approach is just half of the story. The other half is even more exciting.
I believe kettlebells hold the weight to help modern humans take all gravity deficiency out of their life. It is not reserved only for the elite athlete, it is the ultimate G intensifier for everyone. All you need is a small space, a kettlebell, and the knowledge how to handle it. It is affordable in money and time. It can be used at home, in the gym, outside, and anywhere there is gravity. It has no expiration date and ongoing fees. It is there for you in the morning before work, in the evening after work, or in between during your lunch break. Playing with the kettlebell for 20 - 30 minutes will turn the gravity back into the force that shaped our species strong and erect. Doing it consistently will turn aging into the graceful experience nature has intended. The elderly will need no nursing homes, no hospitals, no handicap chairs. Life is meant to walk the line with dignity and no pain or osteoporosis bending us in half.
I am telling you, kettlebell lifting is no bullshit, it is here to stay for as long as there is “Gravity”.
Sep 8, 2013
Sep 2, 2013
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